Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The gift of shopping

My birthday came around again just recently and I received the thoughtful presents of gift cards and cash from a few people.  Some consider it impersonal, but I love these kinds of gifts.  Not only do I get something for nothing (yea!) but I also get the gift of choice, of searching around to find what I want the most.  I know some people hate to shop and being given a gift card would be tortuous, but I am just not one of those people, at least not when shopping for toys for myself!  Sometimes this takes awhile, I still have a Christmas gift from Pops-in-law that I haven't spent yet, but it will happen just as soon as knitpicks emails out those darn 10% off codes! 

Birthday money is good I reflect while gleefully perusing the knitpicks website trying to decide what I will spend my ill gotten gains on.  Do I want to make the scarf, or the shawl, or the sweater, or the shell, oh the choices!  I think maybe I will finally get the $80 worth of yarn to knit myself the lovely Josephine sweater coat I have been eyeballing for over a year.  Pops-in-law was a bit aghast that I would spend that much on yarn, but you do get what you pay for (100% merino wool and machine washable to boot) and I want something NICE.  I also got a lovely Amazon gift card from some friends and am also looking over my wishlist there and at new items to see what to spend there, maybe a book of knitting patterns?  Hello, my name is Missus Vonkysmeed and I am a yarnaholic.  So thank you my thoughtful friends and family, I do love the gift of shopping best of all!

Knit Picks just sent out the coupon codes, happy dance!  So I dropped a rather huge wad there, I think I have enough yarn now for projects to last me all summer at least, enough for a jacket, 2 cardigans, a shell, 2 shawls and even some for Christmas presents for other people.   I also was able to get a few samplings of other yarns and colorways just because they called to me not because I had anything in mind for them.  Now I will be waiting most impatiently by the mailbox for my boxes of luscious goodness to arrive!

This does not disparage in any way the thoughtful items I was gifted with, sometimes I am surprised with something I hadn't considered getting but LOVE, and I do understand a lot of thought and time went into their choosing.  I am just such a control freak (those who know me well are madly nodding their heads as they read this!) that I love being given that additional little something called control!  Thanks and love to all who remembered me in any form on the mumbleth anniversary of my birth.


  1. I never would have thought you were a control freak.

  2. You said all the reasons why I love gift certificates! And I do... I really do. I like giving them and getting them. They are the BEST!
