Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My cardigan gets a time out

It's not the sweaters fault really, it is definitely all mine.  I didn't look at the measurements of the finished pieces and figure out what would work best for me, I just followed what would normally be my size and started knitting.  Unfortunately this plan didn't work out too well as my Nantucket Pink (Ravelry link) has turned out much too small.  Don't get me wrong, it is a lovely pattern, well written and the finished cardigans are beautiful, I just needed to take more care before I started my project.

Once the fronts and backs were finished they looked a tad on the small side so I washed and blocked it then basted the fronts to the back to try on and I just don't like how it is fitting.  In the pictures the sweater is definitely pulled across the bust to close, but mine is just beyond that, it simply looks too small for me.  Plus I am not a huge fan of the stretched too tight look (why I didn't take this into account before I started knitting is beyond me!).  So I guess I will just have to take this as a lesson to not just do gauge swatches (I made 3 for this blasted thing!) but to also check the designers math with the stitches and final measurements (this one was off by about a half inch), and to make sure the final measurements are what I want for my finished garment.

Maybe one of my next projects should be something from Wendy Bernards Custom Knits (Amazon link) to help me learn how to take more control of my knitting.  I know that any pattern can be adjusted to fit better, I just am not really sure how to do that yet.  I will probably do some small adjustment to this cardigan when I reknit it, such as putting in bust darts, I am just not sure if I should go up a needle size or just follow the instructions for the next size up.  I foresee some math in my future!  Now that I have some pictures of the beautiful but too small cardigan now I can begin to frog, sigh.

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