Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New obsession; fingerless mittens!

I made myself a pair a few months ago and loved them so much I promptly made some for, well, just about everyone for Christmas.  They were pretty well received, one friend even sent me an email to let me know it made driving much more comfortable for her since she suffers from neuropathy.  Now that the holidays and knitting for them (at least for thwe moment!) are over I can get into some truly selfish knitting.

I finally made another pair of fingerless mitts for myself, Straightforward Mitts out of Valley Yarns Charlemont in dusk to match my Polaris shawl.  I never would have found the pattern myself, it was this month's KAL for the Fingerless Glove Fanatics group over on Ravelry.  It was actually a very straightforward (heh, see what I did there!) pattern, very easy to memorize what to do once you got into the rhythm.  It took a whopping 3 days for me to complete them form casting on the weaving in the ends.  Unfortunately it is rather warm here right now, a little summer in January, so I haven't had the chance to wear them yet but once winter reasserts itself I will definitely be sporting them with my scarf.

I even had a chance to make Lil' Miss a pair of fingerless mittens that match her Uptown Girl hat I made a few months back.  I used the Maine Morning Mitts pattern again for hers that I had already used once and resulted in a really nice pair of mitts that were gifted to Wobbly Head, my BIL.  Hers took even less time than mine, one day start to finish to make them both.  I think they may have ended up a bit on the tight side but I told her I would make her new ones next year if these ones don't fit anymore.

I think I'll make the BonBons mitts next with some KP Gloss lace doubled to wear with my Advent Calendar scarf.  I am a little short on yardage, but nothing ventured, nothing gained!


  1. I just love the yarn you have used for your straightforward mitts! I have about 1 & 1/3rd mitts done on this pattern - better get back to them I guess :) - MelindaJane (from Ravelry)

  2. Gorgeous! Do you have a pattern for these?
